Monday, June 23, 2008


Friday night, most of the Reagan's got to meet Dodie's mother, Bessie. She was visiting the Senior Reagan's from Tennessee. This was the first time she had been able to visit Dodie in Texas. Bessie brought one of her granddaughter's with her, Miss Elizabeth. Apparently, they had had a busy busy week visiting all the hot spots in the metroplex. I went with Duane, Penny, and Cole over to Eugene and Dodie's for hamburgers. Nancy and Neal were out of town and, Bill had to be in bed early for Saturday golf.
We also got to meet Rachel's beau, Paul. He is in Dallas participating in a PW internship. Rachel is working three jobs - J Crew, Kate Spade, and at the Children's Medical Center. Cole is looking for a job now that he has graduated from Sam Houston in Huntsville, and Scott is taking classes this summer. An exciting summer for everyone....full of possibilities.
Bill and I are off today recovering from the fun weekend we ave had. Bill played golf (SURPRISE). He played two days in the Golf Channel tournament with 236 other people. They had folks from South Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and New Mexico. Luckily, Bill got to tee off early in the day when the weather was semi-cool. He shot his best score of this year on Sunday, an 88. Good Job!! He doesn't think that got him into the money; but, he is holding out for 'Closest to the Pin'.
My weekend has been pretty laid back. I am trying to pick out new pulls for my kitchen cabinets. I have about four types I am living with to see how they grow on me.

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